A Little Taste of Epiphany on a Saturday afternoon

Do you ever beat yourself up by thinking about how other people will judge you once they know the real you? Or is it just me? I have always been this way since I became a parentless woman. I have been checking with my inner self before I make a decision about every little thing. I asked myself, “What would your mother say if she found out what you have been doing? What would your friends think about that? How would your siblings feel if they saw you post that?”

There is always that nagging voice in my head that always question my sense of maturity or the lack thereof.

But today, something happened. I was folding our clothes that I just took out from the dryer. I was putting them on our dresser and I noticed how my husband’s clothes looked like we just got robbed. It was a mess. The first thought I had in mind was to fold the old clothes neatly first before I add the freshly washed ones. But what did I do? Well…I just casually put them over on top the messy pile and closed the damn drawer like I didn’t see a damn thing. That’s when I realized I am finally breaking free from this abusive relationship between me and myself! I don’t give a fuck anymore! Or at least not that much anymore. But it felt amazing! It really is a big deal when I can actually just you know, BE. I do what I want. Even my husband says, “Who cares?” Damn right, thats right! If he doesn’t care and these are his freaking messy pile of clothes, mind you – then why should I?

Nobody is judging me. And nobody has the right to judge anyone. So you do you. 🙂

Published by diannesanluis

A Pinay mother who set sails in the land of the free with her one year old son and a loving husband. She does not know what life has yet to offer and still striving to find her place in this strange country. This blog is her escape. Her confidante. Her world. Welcome.

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